Sunday, August 5, 2007

Judging by the cover

Yes, it is time to pimp this blog with some pictures. Music is all fine, but the beauty of a great album cover is not to underestimate. So, as we have listed our desert island discs and outed our instrumental experience I hereby challenge you to start posting the best and worst looking album covers in your CD/LP collections (that is, for those of you who still buy actual records).

Above is the favourite among my covers: The 1976 Italian prog classic "Aquile e scoiattoli" (meaning "Eagles and squirrels") by Latte e miele (Milk and honey). If I ever get kids, I will make them look this way.

Next up, the un-coolest cover in my collection: Swedish band Big Money with the album "Moonraker", released in 1994. I once, mid-90's, read an article in a Swedish newspaper, where some American rock star (I don't remember who) was given the assignment to judge a couple of Swedish records by their covers. His verdict on this one was something like "it sucks", and that it looked like they had found the sword on their way to the photo shoot. I agree. The music, however, isn't that bad, the opening track might even appear on CDOTM # 11.

Now, bring me the fucking counterparts, man/woman!

/ a-funk


Sorry, someone mention late 80s hip hop and awesome tracksuits?


and, apropos of very little, my favourite photo from


since it is impossible to beat the first album cover posted here for best, i'll skip straight to the worst. i knew that, sooner or later, my metal phase would come in handy. yes, i was a proud owner of this one:

and of course i had to check out, where i found this appropriate gem:

dj pants

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