Monday, July 16, 2007

Roll Call

July - DJ Pants
August - DJ Rocket
September - DJ Wordplay
October - Dr. Pepper
November - DJ Hucka-B
December - DJ Schwa
January - DJ Cola
February - DJ Salt-Type
March - DJ Cucumbah
April - Mr.Dan
May - a-funk
June - DJ Style


Liner Notes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liner Notes said...

This is awesome. Even more so as the first comment ever wtitten was by me, and I had to delete it, so there's a big, ugly, "This comment has been deleted by the author" type mark on the front page. Apologies.

Tom. Not "Liner Notes", whatever it may say below. Don't know the guy.

Anders said...

I got a fever. And the only prescription is CD of the Month Club for the Cool Kids.

Also, not to be fascist or anything (or, rather: to be fascist or anything), I just want to point out that I prefer a-funk to A-funk.

Now, bring it on!

Anonymous said...

if this club gets any better, i think i'm going to pass out from the excitement.

Anonymous said...

And now I've figured out how to post as myself, like all of the socially able did some time ago. How nice

DJ Rocket said...

Oh Huc-ka-B, Hucka, Hucka, Hucka-Bee...the especially savvy will figure out how to post their very own posts, too. Think you're up for it?